Welcome to our Bespoke Programme Section.
With my years of continuous education, research, teaching, mentoring and training clients, I have put together some bespoke training programmes to educate and train you in whatever stage of life you may be in. We have programmes to cover you throughout your Prenatal journey, the Postnatal phase, through to the under discussed Peri/Menopause stage of life, a Women's Strength Training programme, Pelvic Floor course and our Sunrise Programme to get you up and motivated to start the day strong. Where required, we have set up the programmes in two different ways in order to provide you with a programme that suits you, your life, your needs and your wants. We have a fixed price, fixed duration programme where your classes and courses are schedules out day by day or we have a monthly fee*, unlimited duration programme so you can engage at a pace to suit you. This is still a weekly structured programme but if you miss a week here or there it doesn't matter - just pick up where you left off. ​ Which ever programme you choose, once complete you will still be able to view all the steps in the programme that you have completed. ​ Scroll down or select link to view more information about each programme and the pricing plans.​​​​​​​ *programme is active whilst monthly fee is being paid - can be cancelled at anytime.
Pre & Postnatal Programmes

Welcome to our Prenatal Bespoke programme. As a part of The Powerful Pregnancy, this is the ultimate of all our available pre-conception and pregnancy training programmes, with the highest level of help from Jane. There are detailed videos on all aspects of training in pregnancy, a mentoring programme, training schedules and the development of a community where you will be able to connect with women from all over the world - it really is the best place to be to get up to the minute information on exercise in pregnancy plus expert support so that you can prepare as best you can for birth and beyond.
​​What ever stage of your pre-conception/prenatal journey, everyone starts on our Fundamentals programme and then, once completed, you either continue with an alternative programme that suit you most, or, you head straight to the pregnancy week you are in and continue your training from there. Follow simple steps that take into account your busy life and varying needs as a Mum or Mumma to Be. The programme is £67 pcm or Pay for 6 months up front at £357 (£45 discount)
Welcome to our Postnatal Programme. There are some very specific needs for you at this time and we have developed a bespoke programme that you will have the freedom to self pace & then move onto our other programmes whilst getting the postnatal support you need. Through step by step, bespoke workouts, mentoring from Jane and a community of like minded women, it's the perfect opportunity to discover your true strength as a mother.
There are 4 steps each week (over a 12 week period) and will include self assessments, workouts & info to follow on subjects like the pelvic floor, nutrition etc. There will also be an 'Essentials' task to complete. This could take anything from 2 - 10 minutes and could be simply filling in a chart or doing a specific exercise that you have agreed to do with Jane. You'll also be able to book into either a live or pre recorded, bespoke class. Classes go live on Tuesdays but are available, via the programme, any time. The programme is £67 pcm or Pay for 6 months up front at £357 (£45 discount)

Strength Training & Sunrise Sessions
If you struggle to get into working out with weights or simply need some where to start - the our Strength Training Programme is for YOU.
So many health leaders are advocating Strength Training but few are making it accessible to those that need it most - particularly anyone with health concerns or injuries that need total inclusion and consideration in order to successfully progress through a strength training programme. Even if you are already doing strength training, this programme can help you to progress. ​
In this Step by Step programme:-
- Self Development Programme on Strength Training;
- Injury & health assessment with rehabilitation factors considered
- Seminars & Educational tools to enhance knowledge
- Weekly live classes in strength & mobility.
- Additional tools available for Fitness & Wellness Leaders
This is designed as a 4 month programme or pay monthly and take as little or as long a time as you like. £67 pcm or £247 for 4 months upfront.

We started the Sunrise Sessions as a way to support our regular members who needed some extra motivation to get to class each week. It was only suppose to last a month - it's now in it's 2nd Year and doesn't look likely to stop any time soon! One of the reasons why the Sunrise Sessions are so popular is that they do truly give you everything you need from an exercise perspective in 4 x 40 minute sessions which include everything from Pilates, to HIIT training, circuits, weight training and relaxation.
Whilst the sessions go out at 6.15am. You can do them at any time, plus with our mentor support and chat groups - it really is the best place for anyone who wants to undertake regular exercise and reap all the benefits.
The classes are based on scientific evidence that I collated for our workshop 'Probably the Best Exercise in the World' If you are working full time it's perfect as you can get your workouts done before work, even before the kids get up.
The difference it makes not only to your day, let alone your long term health is phenomenal.
This is our 5 week step by step programme. The programme is £67 pcm or Pay for a 6 week block for £117.

Want to know what The Strong Sisterhood is?
Peri/Menopause & Pelvic Floor Programmes
Our Pelvic Floor Programme is a culmination of Jane's 20 years of work with the Pelvic floor. Over the years she has trained thousands of women through her pre & post natal programmes & has spent a lot of time within those programmes working on pelvic floor concerns.
Whilst pregnancy may be a catalyst for pelvic floor issues, women of all ages, from teens to post menopause can equally suffer. We need to look at this entire picture in order to understand where we are & where we need to be with our Pelvic health.
Every woman's relationship & concerns around the pelvic floor are completely unique. Which is why this programme is also completely unique! It recognises that one type of exercise doesn't suit all. It also recognises that our mental health, nutrition & whole body movement is just as important as conventional pelvic floor exercises. This programme looks at all of these aspects, enabling you to carve your own unique way of working with your pelvic floor. If you want to find a life integrated system, this programme is for you! All the exercise routines are within 5 - 15 mins, which you do, 3 - 6 x a week, unlike conventional training, for which you have to do many more contractions, 3 x a day! Also in the programme are ... - Educational lectures - 1 to 1 mentoring from Jane - Rehabilitation into sport & vigorous exercise - A Sexual Health Guide - Help and guidance on nutrition, sleep & effective stress relief practices - all of which can impact on your pelvic health. One of the biggest issues around Pelvic Floor Health has been a lack of understanding on the the true dynamic movement of the Pelvic Floor. This has made conventional training effective initially, but with many feeling like they are constantly going back to square one - particularly as we move into a new life stage. It's time to change all that and we can't wait to work with you! This programme can also be used in conjunction, or along side other programmes within Jane Wake Studio.

Our Peri & Menopause Programme is completely individual. This is because each and everyone of us will have a unique journey - therefore it wouldn't be right to put you through the same protocol as anyone else! There are always nuances in any life stage and consequently why all of our programmes allow for this. However in Peri/Menopause, whilst we might dealing with similar issues - the mechanisms behind them can throw the net out so wide - it can be hard to know what to focus on.

This therefore is our Ultimate Mentoring Programme. We enable you to tap into ALL of our services with additional mentoring time to help you navigate the individual issues that you face at this transformational time of life.
You will have access to Live Stream Classes, Our On Demand Library, Workshops, Programmes and a dedicated Support & Mentoring service and the option for 1 to 1 training as well. Prices start at £99 pcm or pay £547 for 6 months up front (£47 discount). It all starts with a free consultation, no obligation to book. Fill in the form below....
Choose your pricing plan
Find one that works for you
Pre/Postnatal Prog.
357£ÂBuy 6 months for the price of 5Valid for 6 months- Up to 6 months of the Prenatal Programme for the price of 5
- Pause at any time
- Can then join the Postnatal programme when you are ready.
Prenatal Programme
67£Every monthAccess to the prenatal programme from conception to birth.Valid for 9 months- Curated daily stepped programme
- Bespoke workouts, guidance and mindfulness videos
- Daily information, monitoring and feedback tools
- Weekly Group Mentoring Sessions
Mentoring Plan
495£ÂOne Off Payment for Mentoring Programme PlanValid for 6 months- 6 months for the price of 5
- Unlimited Access to Live Class & On Demand Library
- Private Mentoring Group and Forum
- 4 Workshops
Mentoring Membership
99£Every monthMembership for the Peri/Menopause Mentoring ProgrammeÂ- Unlimited Access to Live Classes and On Demand Video Library
- Private Mentoring Group and Forum
- 4 Workshops