Winter is coming

Well at least in the Baby A-Wake house at any rate. At the beginning of each season we tweak our timetable and change the Pilates Flow routine. Our Winter term starts next Monday and will continue into the New Year after our two week Christmas break. To celebrate the start of our Winter Term, we wont be holding any Game of Thrones style banquets, beheadings or bloody wars... but we will be giving you 20% off your next block booking! The offer is only available until the 27th November - which is this coming Sunday, so get booking! Use the code WINTER20 in the promotions box to get your 20% discount. The booking wont kick in until you start using the sessions. Just make sure you book via our pricing options using the BUY NOW buttons. Click on this link here to go to our timetable page, then click on the pricing and membership button to buy your block booking. Time to don those iron helmets, a wolf skin or two and get thee to class.
Jane x